AICCW Scholarship Program

Apply For Scholarships

Application Guidelines And Information

AICCW scholarships are distributed to American Indian students who reside in Wisconsin, both on and off reservation. These students must demonstrate a high aptitude for academic achievement and a financial need. Students that are awarded the AICCW scholarship receive $1,000 to $2500 each academic year (1/2 payment per semester) to offset student expenses including tuition, books, and living expenses. Each year, over 30 students apply for the AICCW Scholarship.

2024-2025 applications must be postmarked by September 20, 2024.


  • American Indian Student with proof of tribal enrollment or proof of enrollment of a parent.

  • Have graduated from an accredited high school or have passed a recognized equivalency examination.

  • Wisconsin resident with proof of residency.

  • Must be enrolled full-time at the undergraduate level with 12 credits or more or at the graduate level with 9 credits or more.

  • Must be accepted/or in good standing (3.0 GPA or above) with a four-year college, or accepted/or in good standing with graduate or PhD program.


  • Scholarship applications will be reviewed and recipients will be notified by phone or email and
    through a congratulatory letter sent by AICCW via US Mail.

Application Procedure

  • Scholarship applications are accepted by US Mail only.
  • Print out the application to be mailed in with other application documents. 
  • Only complete applications will be considered.
  • Late submissions are not considered.
  • Applications become the property of the American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin and will not be returned.